This slideshow houses photos of the completed structure and some of its current patients. The eagle flight facility sits on top of Bigfoot Systems® footing forms. "We are thankful for your ongoing support!"
Bald eagles are the Cobequid Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre's (CWRC) most common patient. It sees 15-20 of these magnificent birds annually, for reasons ranging from vehicle collisions, to lead poisoning and electrocution.
The Centre needs to grow to better accommodate the rehabilitation of eagles, owls, osprey, falcons, vultures and hawks. Eagles have a wingspan up to 8 feet (2.5m) and injured eagles need a large space to re-learn how to fly. The better shape the birds are in, the better their chances of survival upon their release.
CWRC is a registered Canadian charity. Since 2001, they've provided free veterinary care and rehabilitation to sick, injured and orphaned wildlife so they may be returned to the wild.
A concerted fund-raising campaign towards a $150,000 facility began in 2013. A target of $50,000 is being sought for the initial phase.
"We are overwhelmed that Bigfoot Systems Inc. agreed to supply enough of its footing system to complete the entire structure," said Dr. Helene Van Doninck, CWRC founder.
"Donations in-kind are incredibly important to our fund-raising efforts and Bigfoot is, literally, allowing us to start from the ground up."
The CWRC aims to build a unique and innovative structure that will allow large birds to practice flight, build strength and keep stress levels to a minimum while in captivity.
The standard enclosure for rehabilitating eagles is a large rectangular box. The amount of distance a bird can fly and practice is limited. They often crash into either end of the cage in frustration and spend much of their flight trying to slow down as they approach either end.
The CWRC's new oval ring will deliver an unlimited flyway. This will allow the birds to exercise weakened muscles and reflexes.
The inner section will have four separate enclosures for birds that are not strong enough to be in the flyway. The structure is for eagles, but it will accommodate any large bird. With planned subdivisions of the flyway, it could house up to eight large birds at once.
The building is designed to minimize stress and handling. The bird can be moved from one area to another simply by opening doors. When caregivers need to go in to feed their patients or to clean, and maintain the structure, the birds can fly to the other side and be visually blocked from seeing humans.
The CWRC hopes to meet its fund-raising goal and complete construction by the fall of 2013. This structure will be the first of its kind in Canada.
"Bigfoot Systems® Inc. is grateful to be able to donate our Bigfoot Footing Forms for the Cobequid Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre's new major raptor recovery enclosure," says Chris Fickes, Vice President.